
pres. clinton on fox news sunday

was he ultra defensive? maybe. but did he tear chris wallace & fox news a new one? definitely.

clinton was told that half of his interview would be about his actions to help the world NOW not during his presidency, when suddenly, wallace switches gears. he alledges that everyone and their mother wants to know why clinton didn't do more to stop bin laden while he was in office. the former prez feels attacked and lets loose.

kids, this one takes balls, alright. way to go, mr clinton.


just stop, please

p diddy, puff daddy, no matter what he's callin' himself these days, HE STILL CAN'T DANCE. i don't care if he raps about makin' millions and walkin' on water, this is not a guy that i'd want comin' near me in a club.


oh ashlee...

it seems as if huge success despite a ridiculous humiliation on live tv just wasn't enough for ya.

if i were jessica, i'd take a clue from "single white female." watch out for this one.


joey lawrence is...



oh, i'm a wonder, alright

Your results:
You are Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman
Iron Man
The Flash
Green Lantern
You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz



"I am somehow less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops."
-stephen jay gould (paleontologist, biologist)


2 parts eager + 1 part terrified

my americorp pre-service orientation begins in about 9 hours, and let it be known that yeah, i'm a bit afraid of it. i don't like the bus dropping me off at places i've never seen to find my scattered way to places i've never been.

tomorrow is the start of it all.

on a happier, although strangely enough, scarier note...
the most beautiful boy i know has found himself a job at austin's #1 haunted house! (with a bit of help from someone who cares, of course;) )
he will be playing a starring role and is verrry excited. if you're in the area, come check it out! apparently, it's quite frightening. we both love halloween, so allow me to have a proud gf moment as i announce that i'm so happy for him :)



a too soon farewell to a lovely, lovely bloke

IN THE end Steve Irwin got too close. The wildlife champion and television personality, known around the world as the Crocodile Hunter, died just after 11am yesterday in front of the cameras when a stingray's barb pierced his heart as he swam over Batt Reef, off the coast of Port Douglas in far north Queensland. -smh

he had shows aired in 150+ countries and his name was known worldwide. adventurer, proud father, and conservationist extraordinaire, the world has lost a true gem indeed. check out the sydney morning herald for more extensive coverage of the tragedy from the land that irwin knew best.

"I never saw a side to him that was different to his public side. He lived in capital letters and he seemed to have a lot of exclamation marks with him as well."
-andrew denton, abc tv presenter- australia

"I have no fear of losing my life — if I have to save a koala or a crocodile or a kangaroo or a snake, mate, I will save it." -steve irwin


moving isn't just about the boxes

so yesterday gave me my official first dose of "this is gonna be hard." i went to visit my work site, and while it looks all fine and pretty there, the kids really do need help. i didn't interact with many, but i dunno, having the whole job thing actually materialize just made it that much more real.

it was also my first time venturing through the city alone. i took the bus, and when i boarded, i was the only white person there. i was almost annoyed at myself for noticing, but when you grow up under rather homogenous circumstancs, being a minority is an interesting experience on its own.

it's easy to sit and ponder the big issues, but when they're in your face, you learn how you really feel quite quickly. everyone that i encountered was quite friendly, but getting there (without any mistakes or anything, mind you) still took me an hour and a half. this means a 3 hour daily commute, and that just can't happen. i just can't do it. my work alone will be draining, nevermind spending so much time on the bus and/waiting for the bus. i talked to bryan about it and told him that while i don't like to admit it, i really need his help on this one. he agreed.

i also got hit on by a middle-aged man with a mental disability on the bus, and i'm not being rude in stating that, he was very open about it. he gave me his number at a place that he might be working at, but is unsure of. i realized that things were a bit off when i asked him about the weather and he said that sometimes it gets down to zero here. i'm sorry, sir, but we're in texas. it didn't even get that cold in ithaca.

it was just an interesting experience all around, and while on one hand, things like this remind me of my bravery, i am concurrently humbled by the elements that catch me offguard, such as this. i was polite, of course, but as he looked in his number to get a business card, i noted that he had no money. we have encountered several plea for $$ since we got here, and i was afraid that i had just walked into another. i realized that i have zero experience with the population that i will be working with. i have no idea how to react, and like many others, i generally try and avoid eye contact while atempting to shake off that sense of guilt and almost mutual embarassment when passing another human being begging on the street. i am wondering how my perception of this dilemna will change after i go through this program and what path i will be led on after it. i start training on tuesday, and then serving the underprivledged will be my life. for the next 11 months, this is what will consume me.

i have heard many people say that americorps was the hardest and best thing that they ever did, and i think that this year will show me exactly what they mean by that statement. i'm not sorry that i signed on for this, and i'm definitely still looking forward to what's to come, it was just that only yesterday did i truly realize all that i've thrown myself into.

bryan described me once as never doing anything halfway, and while i dove into this under that philosophy, i hope to embrace it just the same throughout my volunteer experience.

thanks for tuning into this very special episode of "sometimes dana's blog exhibits actual feelings."