
it's been a while

...but i'm still kickin'

moving terribly soon, but still not sure exactly when. tired. meh.


my good god, they tell me it's real

found by kalia, exhbited by jess, and easily one of the most frightening things i have ever seen.


we built this city...

cat got that infernal song in my head, but we built it on rock'n'roll alright.

so kathy griffin's show, my life on the d-list, is actually pretty entertaining. on one level, she's really sort of irritates me (although maybe it's just those terrible bangs), but at the same time, i find her vulnerability spiked sauciness amusing.

this week, at the suggestion of her german dog trainer, she dressed up in a giant rat costume and shot fake guns at her dog pom-pom to try and keep him from wandering away when he's being called. yes, that's right. she wore a giant, ridiculous rat costume.
ohhh kathy griffin, you mock your own life even more effectively than tori spelling.

also, i rather enjoy her assistant's hair. i've always liked the chunky-blond-highlights-on-much-darker-hair look. sorry kids. google didn't hook me up with pictures of that one.

...these are the things that i hunt for when it's 3am and i can't sleep.

hmm, now how about an ORANGUTAN?? huh? huh?

now that's what willis was talkin' bout.

(man do i loathe that quip. eck.)

ay, g'n indeed. i'm breaking.



ay, so i had another interview today, as i had mentioned, and although it started out for one position, i ended up being offered a different one at the same organization about an hour later. random!

this americorps experience has been very 'in your face, tfa' considering that the interviews seem to be going really well. the position i was offered today is with americorps for community engagement and education (acee). i would be a bilingual tutor for first graders- definitely intimidating!, offer classroom support, and work with assorted community service partnerships afterschool. ay, i am so far from comfortable with my spanish to have the term bilingual attributed to me in any way shape or form. the woman i interviewed with thinks that i'd be good at it though, and gave me oodles of other folks to contact to talk about it. she said that she was sort of pressured into taking on a bilingual position, but in the end, her spanish greatly improved and she got a lot more comfortable with her students.

the other that i'm considering is with lifeworks, a shelter for homeless youth. i'd be a tutor with the GED program and provide classroom support and administrative assistance. so in one case, i'd work with 6 year olds, and in the other, 16-26 year olds. hmm. both will help me find out whether or not teaching is up my alley once and for all. the ppl at lifeworks that i spoke with 2 weeks ago were absolutely awesome. i really enjoyed talking with them, and they seemed so passionate and honest about their work. but when it comes down to it, so many of these programs are worthwhile that it makes it quite difficult to decide where to serve.

decisions, decisions. i'd love to get better at spanish. but i also don't want to start kids off with incompetence. eep!

also, apparently, americorps allows you to defer loan payments AND they pay for your interest accrued while serving. this, i did not realize. additionally, you can qualify for food stamps. today, the woman i spoke with told me that i'd get $140/mo! she said that she used them when she was a corps member and felt kind of guilty about it, but justified it by thinking about how her stipend was taxed, and this was just her getting that money back. that would be all the money i'd need to eat, and her reasoning seems like a positive way to look at it.

life after college- food stamps and poverty. sounds about right, i guess... buuut, it looks like i'll definitely have a job before my graduation party, which certainly warrants a "yesssss" *m.culkin-style, of course*

thoughts or advice, tigers? torn... and wishing i could meet some folks in person before accepting a position. such is life!


say goodbye to those little bastards

wisdom toothless!! i survived, and without a major freakout at that. now i get to eat a lot of chocolate pudding. bah, it took me a few days to feel human again, and while i'm in better spirits, i still have a fat face. bryan is calling me his bulldog gf, but i think it kinda looks like when monica ("friends") is in fat makeup since only the bottom has ballooned. oompa!

i got to keep them though, which i was excited about. i like to hold them in my hand and know that they're gone for good. i told my mom that i wanted to see the little bastards when i got out of surgery. fabulous. sucks not being able to really brush my teeth though. ehhhhh. i've even got a new toothbrush, le sighhh

so i think i got a job today! well, i was offered one at least. i've got another interview tomorrow though, so we'll see which one makes the cut. the family keeps saying things like, "well, i hope it works out for ya." i like the lack of actual encouragement being presented, but ehh, what can ya do. even bon jovi can attest that it's my life.

i won't be making much, but the next year is sure to be an experience. good thing i'm good at being cheap, but hopefully my graduation party will bring me some dollaz.

which ps, i haven't heard from the folks i babysat for in a week now. hmm, list of people who still owe me money? not cool, joe. what an awkward situation. you want to assume the best of people, but aiesh. i'm poor, i don't need for this to be an issue.

and speaking of issues, what's up with this state these days? i've been horrible at paying attention to the news lately, and now all of the sudden my state is falling apart. new jersey, what's the deal, kiddo?
(no jersey knocking necessary tyvm)

bah, alright. bah. to wisdom!