
take THAT

Governor Mike Rounds may have banned all abortions in South Dakota with the exception of those to save a mother's life, but women are taking action:

"To me, it is now a question of sovereignty," says President of the Oglala Sioux Tribe on the Pine Ridge Reservation, Cecilia Fire Thunder. "I will personally establish a Planned Parenthood clinic on my own land which is within the boundaries of the Pine Ridge Reservation where the State of South Dakota has absolutely no jurisdiction."
check it out.

how interesting! native american reservations aren't subject to federal or state laws, so this would be entirely doable. also, the majority of women who get abortions in this nation are upper-middle class white women. how ironic that if roe v. wade is overturned, native americans, a people who have been oppressed by whites for so long, will have the power to abort the descendants of their oppressors.
that's one way to look at it, at least, and it is admittedly a bit 'whoah' to consider. first and foremost, i view this as women uniting, but just think of where this one could go.
think before you start slappin' laws around, conservakiddies...


slowly coming back to normalcy, maybe?

i'm gonna miss you if we don't end up living in the same city, just because i like saying your name. -zach

ic feminists present
tomorrow in mcdonald lounge
open house from 7-9 p.m.
FREE samples, FREE food
good times


i can still taste the salsa

man, i hadn't realized it had been so long.

in short, i've been ridiculously busy. a full course load + future planning + running a club = a severe lack of "free" time.

my tfa interview was monday. i think it went well, and i'm confident in that i don't feel that i could have done any better. if i get it, i get it, i don't, i don't.
oh, AND i then won't have a plan at all.
i went with 1- charlotte, 2- atlanta, 3- bay area, 4- dc
thnx for not providing any insight ;)

but alas, there is much to be done and too little time for it to be accomplished.

here's a cartoon that karl brought to my attention:


knock me out and do what?!

i have to get my wisdom teeth taken out. all of them. i don't know when, however, thanks to school & insurance issues. in any event, i told the dr that i'm going to cry and freak out. he said that i need to learn how to be a good woman.

this is gonna be great.

Em the bee: nothing feels worse than people you care about


home tomorrow? it now seems?

On today's date, back in 1933, the start of President Roosevelt's first administration brought with it the first woman to serve in the Cabinet: Labor Secretary Frances Perkins.

thanks for the girl power, nytimes :)

...i am surrounded by video games...


turn to page 523: you're a teacher!

cute overload: it needs to be on your desktop.

what does it provide?

cuteness on command. example A:

heck, that puppy passed out on account of how gosh darned cute he is.

and as for a life update: spring break has officially begun. i'll be back home tomorrow, hopefully, as long as the snow doesn't intrude on my plans again.

i also got my TFA interview info. they sent me a book of all 26 teaching sites, and flipping through it makes me feel as if my life has become a "choice your own adventure" book. i went through them all, and picked out the cities i'd like to look further into. although i have to rank all 26 sites at my interview, here are the first

atlanta, ga
san francisco bay area, ca*
charlotte, nc*
chicago, il
oahu, hawaii
houston, tx*
st. louis, mo
washington, dc

* these cities were surprisingly intriguing. it's a big nation, kids. houston is also less than a 3 hour drive from austin... ha, don't worry, i'm really trying not to be that girl, but i'd be lying if i said that part didn't entice me.

i've been east coast bound all my life, so any and all thoughts/comments are most appreciated.