
it's aliiive

okay friends, my apologies for not updating. i'll refrain from the funny & bring on the facts.

so yes, i am now in dc, where i have officially been dwelling for the past week. ppl here are not accustomed to snow, and this simple fact has been both amusing and inconvenient at the same time. i've been having fun dropping mad money for food and transport, oh yes. stingy dana (the only dana i really seem to know) is not pleased.

so far, i like the city. it's much less intimidating than nyc. no massive sky scrapers, no constant attitude from strangers... while yes, there is some hustle and bustle, i do not feel the same pressure of anonymity i have often felt when in nyc. anyone who wants to visit should do so. there are places to see, and assorted cultural foods to taste.

work has been amusing as well. i'm pretty much left on my own, which i fancy. i'll post links when i actually do something of note, as i will be working on the FMF website(s).

i suppose one can say that i am now adjusting. the roomie & i did some decorating today, which make our apartment feel more like our own. it's still an experience though, being constantly surrounded by people. and then there's the fact that after i cleared up my not having a thing for mike, it has now been decided that ben & i will be married. oh hooray, no? i'll be sure to send out an email soon, for those of you who i know personally, that is. i attended the inauguration, and have a little bit of a diddy to share.

feel free to send me mail & assorted acts of endearment. ask for my address if needed.

much love, my dears-


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