I stay indoors
Because the air outside will make our cells
Divide at an alarming rate until our shells
Simply cannot hold all our insides in,
And that's when we'll explode
(and it won't be a pretty sight)
this has nothing to do with turkey or puritan values:
being home makes me feel so young... for better or for worse, i suppose. perhaps if only because for once i am not constantly surrounded by peers, & am forced to acknowledge that alas, i really am that idealistic young person. well so be it.
this is really lame but i'll post it anyway so that you can do it & enjoy it praising you as well:
so this is supposed to be about me. do we agree with it? i'm interested to see if the outside matches the in.
so jess just IMed me about how awesome is. uhm, h-yah. definitely check it out kids.
if your last name is Hawk, Rawtch, or Hunt do not name you son michael. inevitably, he will be referred to as Mike & not so good times shall ensue.
list of movies this girl currently wants to see:
this was another wonderful weekend. the sort of time which makes you wonder why it took you so long to find it, or perhaps even, to get it back.
Political experts say that this year's Florida was Ohio. As a result, this year's Spring Break is expected to suck.
so which dazzling copy editor talked to the news editor and got this story changed from its initial assertion of there having been an anti-bush protest? oh that's right, that'd be this girl.
gaston is the best and the rest is all drips
a wonderful little op ed piece in the times...
You did it. You pledged to vote on November 2. And you came out in record numbers. You turned out at a rate not seen in a long time-possibly since 1972 when the age was lowered to 18.
given that around 200 clicks have hit up this humble blog over the past week w/o the link being present in my AIM profile, i'm assuming that some folks out there are actually interested in my thoughts. well then.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.
my heart is gonna pound out of my chest, ayyyy