

I stay indoors
Because the air outside will make our cells
Divide at an alarming rate until our shells
Simply cannot hold all our insides in,
And that's when we'll explode
(and it won't be a pretty sight)


Em the bee: i reached a new low
Em the bee: last night i dreamt about Lacan's theory of commodification.
Em the bee: and woke up really excited.


happy thanksgivinggggggggg!!

this has nothing to do with turkey or puritan values:

** What I Learned During My Twelve Months At Victoria's Secret **

1. To say the word "panty" without doubling over in hysterics or, alternatively, feeling nauseous.

2. To tell a woman's bra size just by looking (I haven't yet decided how best to use this newfound talent).

3. When it comes to women's undergarments, men prefer front-closure, black and lace.

4. When it comes to women's undergarments, women prefer back-closure, cotton with no frills, and beige or another equally neutral color.

5. Just as soon as a woman finds a bra that fits well, doesn't ride up or leave marks, it will be discontinued.

6. They make thongs in XL.

7. Unlike myself, most women insist that their bra and, cough cough, "panty" match. They will not buy one without the corresponding other, no matter how close the other color you find for them is, or if you explain that the print bottom has the same color in it as the bra, so in essence, they "go together."

8. Men are often dumb enough to charge the lingerie they buy for their mistress on their lunch hour on the credit card that bills to their house. More than one wife called requesting to know just what her husband bought that she was never given.

9. Women have no shame, and will return undergarments that have very clearly been "used", while looking you dead in the eye and claiming they were never worn.

10. Average bra size: 34B. Bra size most women want to be: 36C. Bra size most men prefer: 36D.

11. There is no point to a bra without an underwire. If you don't need an underwire, you don't need a bra.

12. Most commonly used pick-up line of guys who come in the store: So, what, first you work in the catalog, then the store?

enjoy stuffing your faces. perhaps enough turkey will make #10 a reality, ladies.


& what have you been doing with your break so far? hmmmmm?



being home makes me feel so young... for better or for worse, i suppose. perhaps if only because for once i am not constantly surrounded by peers, & am forced to acknowledge that alas, i really am that idealistic young person. well so be it.

ev- i saw the incredibles last night as well. i had no idea what to expect going into it, & i think it had a rather slow start BUT as a person who generally doesn't fancy cartoons, it def won me over in the end. the little boy was awesome, frozone, & of course edna... it was an amusing experience alright. even if yeah, disney isin a long term relationship con el diablo. plus, to add to the adventure, there were 2 obviously high young men in the theatre at the same time. they were having difficulty finding their own mouths to eat their massive amounts of munchies, perhaps because "got your nose!" was distracting them. when mr incredible was sitting in his car in the driveway, yes, he was large for the car. that was a little bit amusing. but then, one of the guys busts out with oh man, look at how big he is! & suddenly the whole theatre found it a lot funnier. ohhhhh drugs & animation, what will you do next?

ps unlimited soup or salad & breadsticks? como se dice "great idea"??
(rhetorical question kiddies, don't break out the dictionarios)

...& so for now, nothingness is grand...


so i just thought of an offensive tshirt:

my girlfriend is hotter than your right hand.



this is really lame but i'll post it anyway so that you can do it & enjoy it praising you as well:

Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is...breath taking
Your hugs are...warm
Your eyes...sparkle like the stars
Your touch is...heart warming
Your smell is...beautiful
Your smile is...encouraging
Your love is...unique
Quiz created with MemeGen!

home tomorrow (today)!! have a great break kiddies =)

These precious illusions in my head did not let me down when I was defenseless, And parting with them is like parting with invisible best friends


so uh, baby, what's your sign?

so this is supposed to be about me. do we agree with it? i'm interested to see if the outside matches the in.

When Denver was born, the Sun was in the Sign Sagittarius, the Gypsy. Denver's basic sanity and vitality depend on a constant diet of new, mind-stretching experiences. They may be cross-cultural; they may be educational in the broadest sense of the word; they may just be fresh forays into the unknown in any of its myriad manifestations: hang-gliding for the first time, attending a lecture on particle physics.
All together, these mind-stretching ventures feed the Philosopher-Spirit in the heart of Denver's character -- her compelling drive to know and understand, to find the inner meaning of things. To that end, her nature is curious, robust, and full of risk-tolerant faith in life. Restraints on her exuberance or constraints on her freedom are anathema to her. For committed love really to work for Denver in the long run, it must enhance her freedom rather than detract from it. In intimacy, Denver's need for space may present some problems, but they're only truly insurmountable ones if 's become involved with someone who is simply too clingy for a person of her nature. Similarly, her idealism may set unreachable standards -- but, if she is wise, then those standards serve her the same way the North Star serves the sailor: they guide, beckon, and inspire her in the ever-brighter direction of the Unreachable... not that she ever expects actually to arrive there. And that can only enhance the magic of the bond

if you're interested, astrology.com has a bunch of random free reports like this one. it's not like i completely adhere to this stuff, but i've always felt that my sign is very on target for it all to be full of crap. & if it is then oh well, at least it's entertaining. and without it, the 70s would have been lacking a quality pick up line.

so jess just IMed me about how awesome toothpastefordinner.com is. uhm, h-yah. definitely check it out kids.

home on friday =o

ps wouldn't it be hilarious if someone hid things everytime they were drunk? that'd really mess up the home decor alright.
honey, where are the cocoa puffs?

yeah, i don't know either.


this just in:

if your last name is Hawk, Rawtch, or Hunt do not name you son michael. inevitably, he will be referred to as Mike & not so good times shall ensue.

(this exercise requires you to speak aloud for full effect.)


list of movies this girl currently wants to see:

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
mean girls

let's hop on that kids, k?

"who's down with G-O-D?"

me: do you love jesus?
chris: i would if he was on facebook


this was another wonderful weekend. the sort of time which makes you wonder why it took you so long to find it, or perhaps even, to get it back.

saturday, i went with some fellow FMLA folks to volunteer at the women's interfaith institute.
i don't think you understand what you're a part of, the volunteer architect there told myself, kim, & alisson. this is the only place like this in the world.
we very much enjoyed talking with this man who encouraged us to 'find our passion' when deciding what we want the club to contribute to the institute. it's in an old church which he's in the process of restoring, & once fixed up, will be a lovely building.
seneca falls is a place which all women could benefit from visiting. walking through the women's museum there is such a surreal feeling, reading of all the things women once could not do. it is very easy to take what we have for granted.
we stopped for lunch at a lovely little deli, & then checked out a very awesome store called woman made products. it's a woman owned & operated textile screen printing company, though there are many other little knick knacks as well. i think it was adored by every one of us as we scoured the little place for probably a solid hour.

while i'm still a bit weary of declaring terms for myself, it's nice to spend time with women who care. seneca falls is a place which we can (and should) all take pride in.

i also had a lot of heavy conversations this weekend, went to zee play, and saw i heart huckabees (which i am rather indifferent to). i really like where things are right now, & i don't feel as if every day i can say that.


Political experts say that this year's Florida was Ohio. As a result, this year's Spring Break is expected to suck.
-Conan O'Brien

WANNA JOIN THE FIELD TRIP TO SENECA FALLS TOMORROW? lemme know asap. we'll be volunteering at the women's interfaith institute & checking out the women's hall of fame. back by dinner!

so which dazzling copy editor talked to the news editor and got this story changed from its initial assertion of there having been an anti-bush protest? oh that's right, that'd be this girl.

and now there is no need to take the time to right a letter to the editor =) gettin' the message out straight, the first time.

(though i'm not cool with the kerry sign, better planning next time kids)


oy really is just yo backwords

hmm, i've yet to see jesus heyya... have you?


gaston is the best and the rest is all drips
i love itunes if only for the fact that i randomly got 'gaston' in my head, & was able to find it within 30 seconds flat. a disney song. found it just like that. thank you for the ability to listen to other's music itunes, thanks a lot.

& then this is from forever ago, as i clearly still have evidence of sun
(me, kim, walter, marina, emily, lucia, matt)
i love that whoever took it for us managed to get random guy in the background, but not our actual friends. good job.

hooray for friends!

this wked was joyous. no big bad reasoning, but it was quite kosher & i had a lovely time. now for a wk with 2 presentations, 2 papers, an article & oh so much more...

today it took me a solid half hour to try & get my mom to figure out how to send an email with an attachment over the phone. ryan's reasoning on the subject:
ThatsASin (8:50:13 PM): i just don't understand how being older seems to automatically make you suck at computers
ThatsASin (8:50:36 PM): they still have everything laid out logically with nice little icons and such
ThatsASin (8:52:44 PM): one of the mysteries of life, i guess

TRUE STORY kids, true story indeed.


tonight was a good night

a wonderful little op ed piece in the times...
You had a couple of days to indulge your depression - now, get over it.

seriously though. today i took part in the protest on campus. some people disagreed with this, and many people whom i spoke with afterwords told me, "it's over, get over it." hmm... so how exactly are we defining 'it'? because to me, 'it' does not mean one day in which votes are cast. 'it' means so much more.


'it' is about civil liberties, reproduction rights, freedom of choice, education, bettering the economy, healthcare, the environment... 'it' is so many things. and for these things, i never want to stop fighting.


a message from Rock the Vote

You did it. You pledged to vote on November 2. And you came out in record numbers. You turned out at a rate not seen in a long time-possibly since 1972 when the age was lowered to 18.

Close to 21 million people between the ages of 18 and 29 voted-that's nearly 5 million more than in 2000, and more than half of all young people in the USA.

Some in the media are suggesting that young people didn't vote. They are flat wrong, and you need to fight back. Tell your friends that their enthusiasm and determination paid off with record youth turnout on Election Day.

If you voted for Bush, you helped seal the win for President-and you should be proud.

If you voted for Kerry, you kept your candidate in the race and the country up all night as they counted your voted-and you should be proud.

Whether your candidate won or lost, you know what you need to do. Stay involved. Keep on top of the issues. Get even more people to the polls next time.

Rock the Vote takes your issues to the politicians. Stay with us as we fight to improve healthcare coverage, reduce college debt and make voting easier.

You rocked the vote this Election.
We'll help you keep rocking it.

and the cold wind blew...

given that around 200 clicks have hit up this humble blog over the past week w/o the link being present in my AIM profile, i'm assuming that some folks out there are actually interested in my thoughts. well then.
i think my writing professor put it rather simply.
if a friend lies to you, do you keep them in your life? or do you stop being friends with them? i don't understand. you wouldn't keep a friend around who lied to you.
this is, of course, a metaphor for the lies told my our president.

yesterday, i went through many different moods. reading the words "kerry concedes" honestly brought tears to my eyes. it just makes you wonder what u see that the infamous 'they' don't. i stood on people's doorsteps, and looked grown men in the eye of 80 years of age. these men had seen war, depression, the battle for civil rights, & yet still they would repeatedly tell me, "kerry's my man. i believe this is the most important election of my life." it is the faces of those who had seen much more than i, and who were truly troubled to the core by the idea of bush's reelection which are perhaps the hardest to shake from memory.
when i spoke to my mother earlier today, she, in response, said, "well i don't know if that's true." well ya know what, i don't know that it's not, and who am i to say? all i know is that we have a republican president, a republican senate, a republican house, and the appointment of a few supreme court justices on the line. how am i not to question?

and that is what it's really about. you have to question. question everything. i'm not saying that everything is conspiracy, or that all republicans are evil. one would probably be surprised to find the conservative views i hold toward myself personally. but what i am saying, is to keep an open mind. to not take the news as it seems. fox news is not the truth. cnn is not the truth. the truth is that while yes, 1000 us soldiers have died, so have 99,999 more iraqi civilians. this is war kids, just because it's not on our homefront doesn't mean we shouldn't feel it. women & children, families are being killed. the soldier over there believe that they are liberators, and this, i cannot hold against them. i wish them no harm. this does not mean, however, that i should not question the reason for us going to war in the first place.

at this point, i've probably got myself on some fbi list somewhere. yes, that's right, i'm questioning the almighty government. but by no means, no means at all is it because i no longer care for my country. absolutely not. i LOVE the ideals of this nation... the idea of life, liberty, and justice for all. what i loathe is the idea that we should trade these beautiful concepts in over a paranoia which cannot be proven.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

is it a crime to want my civil liberties? to believe in due process? to ask for a government which doesn't rally its citizens through fear?
i am not someone who is shouting canada. oh no. if you're not here, then you do not have a say. if you do not speak, then you do not have a voice. an election should not be the only time we take action. while i do not believe that it is up to any one individual to save the world, i do believe that we would all be better off if even every other person did their part.
48% of the country is left discontented. i am not a violent person, and i am not one to run away. what i do believe in, is taking a stand for what i believe in... and i believe in upholding american values, not bathing them in theocracy. i believe in freedom.
i believe that we can make a difference. and maybe i am young... maybe i am naive... but despite the grievous disappointment of the days previous, i do not ever want to not believe.



my heart is gonna pound out of my chest, ayyyy

rockin' PA for kerry

so i don't believe i ever told you fine folks about my little PA adventure. it was myself, 6 other gals from here, & a bunch of cornell kids who hauled it about the suburbs of pitt to get a lot of old ladies to rock the vote. it was a quality experience, and felt so good to know that we were doing *more* than voting. we spent 2 days canvassing the area, and covered a lot of ground. the majority of the folks we encountered seemed to be in favor of the k man... but dios mio... who even knows at this point.

i want the 1.4 newly registered voters to have been underestimated. i want the youth of america to have swayed this election.
and then, i want to allow 3rd parties into the whole process! ayyyy

but of now... all we can do is wait for the colors... all i've got to say, is GO BIG BLUE!!