
tiempo para comer!

i hope that's correct. in any event, we celebrated our first official grown-up holiday, thanksgiving. adam and i cooked, and in the immortal words of borat, found gaah-reat success!

hope everyone had a happy one :)

i'm missing folks, BIG time.


it's cold outside

what the h, texas. i can see my breath.

unless i have transformed into a fire-breathing dragon without my knowing, this is unacceptable.


the game of LIFE?

"President Bush and other leaders today at the Asian economic summit meeting in Vietnam, where U.S. officials talked of a new set of incentives for North Korea to give up its nuclear program."


it's only funny until you remember that he's in charge

highlights from Bush's 11/08 press conference featuring commentary by keith olbermann


jersey represents

nj says "no!" to abstinence-only sex education! woo woo!

wise choice, jersey. once again, proud to be a jersey girl ;)

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