

At 9:20 am this morning, the FDA FINALLY approved OTC access to Plan B emergency contraception-- a major victory for women and women’s health advocates nationwide!!

The one unfortunate part of this decision is that an age restriction has been placed on its status as well-- only women aged 18 and older will be able to purchase it. "While we are glad to know the FDA finally ended its foot-dragging on this issue, Planned Parenthood is troubled by the scientifically baseless restriction imposed on teenagers," says PPFA President, Cecile Roberts. "The U.S. has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the western world. Anything that makes it harder for teenagers to avoid unintended pregnancy is bad medicine and bad public policy."

This decision also means that to keep this restriction in order, EC will probably be kept behind the counter, forcing all women who need it to obtain the pharmacist's permission first. So, well it's certainly a time to celebrate our victory, there is still more work to be done. Embarassment is one thing, but with all of the issues already out there regarding a pharmacist's rights, this part of the decision is asking for trouble.

Also, we should recognize that this victory has been won by many, including Senators Patty Murray (D-WA) and Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) who worked to block the confirmation of FDA commissioner nominees Lester Crawford and Andrew von Eschenbach until the FDA made a decision on over-the-counter status for Plan B.

EC is effective for up to 5 days after unprotected sex, although it's the most effective (95 percent) if taken within 24 hours. OTC EC means that women across the country have won a very long and drawn out battle.

THANK YOU to all of the advocates out there!! I for one, am very pleased.

exactly what i wanted

thanks hollywood.


i just decided that friends should send them to me. with so many ppl in so many different places, why not get a little old school snail mail action going? i'm very sad to report that i can't find my collection of lovelies, however, and so the acquisition of some new texas-loving mail attire may have to take place in the near future.

in any event, i have designated a space of wall decoration for handwritten lovin'. don't be shy.

(let me know if you're in need of my new address. i realize that this takes away some of the suspense as to who will be sending them, but it's the best i can do.)

kisses and/or smooches


snakes! on a submarine?

so we went to the alamo drafthouse to check out this ridiculous movie last night. it's called fer de lance, and basically, it's like snakes on a plane, only it's snakes on a submarine. it was made back in '74 though, so no worries, samuel.

in any event, while we were on line, rosario dawson was behind us. can't place her? neither could i, even with her standing right there. maybe this helps...

in any event, the viewing of the film was free, and with our first celebrity sighting down here, everyone seemed pretty pleased. but oh wait, whose movie was it?

why, quentin tarantino's of course, and he personally introduced the film. apparently, he collects old tv movies. interesting...

i'm not really one for getting star struck, but i'm just sayin'- this probably isn't what you expected of texas.
(well, except for the part where they sell beer in the movie theatre, that is.)


so, how was the trip?

the absolute best thing we encountered.

don't worry. we hit up foamhenge to.

feel free to check out more of my pics on the good ol' facebook.


"we're here!!"

and so we made it to austin in one piece. so did the cat.

more details once i actually have some furniture and an attention span that isn't occupied by scouring craiglist for cheap tables and couches.

way to go, texas.


alissa is disgusted by me...

and i love it.


and so it's official

August 7. The Moving Date.

Bry and I will be caravaning (if that's a word) down with Adam and Vin, although we don't intend to rush. Kinda sucks though, cuz our one year anniversary is the same as the actual move-in date, the 10th. It kind of creeps me out when I say that. Ha, we have our own rooms! We have other roommates! I am not some sort of old maid. I am hawttt ...and with multiple t's at that!

And I'm excited! Not only for the trip itself, but because it looks like I'll get to see Dell *gasp*

I have yet to do any packing, and all of my things are in random places or stored away where I can't reach above my room... eep.