happy halloween!!
"President Bush would leave the Supreme Court looking less like America and more like an old boys' club," said Mr. Reid in a statement.
oof. scheduling for my last semester in about 2 weeks. w o w
...red state, blue state?
by the one and only, maureen dowd
well, there are 2 less reasons to be stressed and yet i'm still feelin' it. i did my informative speech in public speaking, appropriately enough, on obstetric fistula to help promote our upcoming feminist event (which ps will probably be october 25 and all should come!). not only did i not get reprimanded for using the speech as my own personal form of exploitation, but it went better than any of my practices and i totally got an A. THEN yesterday i had my big bad grammar test. dude, i totally rocked that bitch. if only it weren't so hemmingway out, perhaps i could muster a smile...
first off, i can't stop listening to the new fiona apple. love her, loooove her. i also scored a random free issue of rolling stone in my mailbox which just so happens to have a story on her this month. hotttt.