
happy halloween!!

oh great... "scalito"

"President Bush would leave the Supreme Court looking less like America and more like an old boys' club," said Mr. Reid in a statement.

juuust peachy.

and ps, why is this picture so awkwardly featured?

caption: Harriet E. Miers, the former Supreme Court nominee, returning Sunday to the White House after spending a weekend at Camp David.

did she come back beaten or what?

ohhhh america...


a woman well-worth remembering always

Rosa Parks, 92, Founding Symbol of Civil Rights Movement, Dies


and as the end draws nearer...

oof. scheduling for my last semester in about 2 weeks. w o w

i'm such a geek. i only need 3 courses, and yet the tentative schedule i've plotted out for myself includes 6. there are a bunch of courses i'd like to take. right now, my 3 electives (ha, all that i can fit, that is) are media literacy in pop culture, men's lives, and human sexuality. the latter is a night class, which is unfortunate, so one of them will probably have to go... but ay.

i don't think i'm going to do the internship next semester. i'm not a journalism girl, kids. i am more interested in being a cultural critic.

so life, eh? how 'bout that? feminism has been taking up oodles of time. we're holding an event though, and you should come.

Tuesday 10/25 - 7PM - Textor 103
they'll be a film and a panel discussion and tons of info
pleeease joinnnn ussss

...& in other news, the rain continues to drizzle down as thick fog of procrastination settles on the horizon


one fish, two fish...

...red state, blue state?

Data on Marriage and Births Reflect the Political Divide
tamar lewin, ny times

guess them teen moms are all impregnated by the good ol' lord, eh?


To Sir, With Love

by the one and only, maureen dowd
ny times
october 12, 2005

W. was the best Harry ever had.

''You are the best Governor ever -- deserving of great respect!'' gushed Harriet Miers, then the Texas Lottery chief, to George W. Bush in 1997. The belated birthday card she sent her boss had a sheepishly eager puppy poking his head up and a poem that read: ''This is the wish/That should have been sent/Before your birthday/Came and went.''

According to a cache of mash notes released by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission in response to formal requests from The Times and other news organizations, Ms. Miers also told W. that he was ''cool'' and ''the best!''; that he and Laura were ''the greatest''; that Texas was ''in great hands''; and that the governor should ''keep up the great work. Texas is blessed.''

Since there is no breathtaking Miers judicial record to pore over, I was eager to read more breathless Miers missives to a president she describes as the most brilliant man she has ever met. How could I get the notes from the White House, given how opposed Mr. Bush is to leaks? I called Scooter and Karl and they sent the secret documents right over.

August 2001 -- ''Thank you so much for letting me bundle up and drag away the brush that you cut down today. And if I might add, Sir, I've never seen a man wield the nippers so judiciously. It was awesome! You are the best brush cutter ever!!''

September 2001 -- ''I found out today that you handed down a decision for the White House mess to offer three different kinds of jelly with its P.B.&J. sandwiches. Sweet!! As you know, I'm the only member of the staff who eats three meals a day in the mess. Now I get to have a different type of jelly at every meal! The mess is blessed to have a president who cares so much. I know I'm probably just flattering myself, but I like to think that you are thinking of me, also. (Smile.)

''P.S. Can you believe Condi cares more about W.M.D.'s than P.B.&J.'s?''

April 2002 -- ''I was worried that it could go unstated in the rush of business around here, but I just wanted to pause and say how amazing it is that, after doing so much for the American people already, you keep showing up for work most days. We have to come, but you choose to. You're the hardest-working president ever!!''

October 2002 -- ''I'm not sure Condi has made the time to thank you herself, so I just wanted to say how much we appreciated the tickets to 'Madame Butterfly' on Saturday night. I wore my long black robe -- I mean, opera cape. I just wish it had had that song from 'The Sound of Music' -- I know you love it, too -- 'Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels. ' You're one of my favorite things, sir!''

January 2003 -- ''Just a quick note to say how cool it is that you picked Brownie to head FEMA. There's nothing like having someone you know and trust in a top job. Your gut is the best judge ever!!''

April 2004 -- ''There is no other president who would have had the courage to allow torture, dude! (It's only too bad that Abu Ghraib rules out Alberto's chances of getting on the Supreme Court.) You are the best torturer ever!! xo, H.''

June 2005 -- ''Make sure you take a good, long vacation this summer! Last year, you only took two weeks. You are pushing yourself way too hard, Sir!!''

August 2005 -- ''I've half a mind to come down there myself and chase that witch, Cindy Sheehan, off your property with an injunction!! Yours, with you in Christ, Harriet.''

September 2005 -- ''In all this fuss about that bad-girl buttinsky Katrina, no one else seems to have noticed -- not even Karen -- that you've achieved your bold vision of losing that seven pounds. That extra week of mountain biking was so much more important than people realize. You're the most chiseled commander in chief ever, and the most rad guitar player ever!!''

October 2005 -- ''How can I thank you, Sir? I never, ever expected the Supreme Court. Phat! I hope Clarence doesn't make me watch 'Debbie Does Dallas' again. That movie is so anti-Texas! I miss you already!!

''But now I will be able to serve your interests -- and those of your family -- forever and ever. If there's another recount you need help with, count on me. They say I don't have experience, but I've had the experience of polishing the boots of the wisest ruler since Solomon. I may not know stare decisis, but I know when to be starry-eyed. I await your instructions, Master.''

so in conclusion, this article gets me totally stoked!!


josh groban's voice is sweetttt

well, there are 2 less reasons to be stressed and yet i'm still feelin' it. i did my informative speech in public speaking, appropriately enough, on obstetric fistula to help promote our upcoming feminist event (which ps will probably be october 25 and all should come!). not only did i not get reprimanded for using the speech as my own personal form of exploitation, but it went better than any of my practices and i totally got an A. THEN yesterday i had my big bad grammar test. dude, i totally rocked that bitch. if only it weren't so hemmingway out, perhaps i could muster a smile...

some guy at the bar last night had on a shirt which read, "TREAT BITCHES RIGHT."
oh yeah, and i totally banged him. repeatedly.
good goddd...

i'm definitely in one of my random funk periods. i really need fall break. i also really need it not to suck and to get to see my girls. boo.

alright, so how's about this harriet miers deal that i said i'd speak of. well, harriet is a lady, so first off, that's hot. like roberts, it's hard to say where she stands on most things, and most views which have been offered up are almost entirely speculations from what i can tell. she doesn't sound like as much of a threat as the new chief justice, which can be exemplified by a slew of conservatives freakin' out a bit. however, she was bush's personal lawyer, so you can bet they're tight alright. i dunno man, we'll have to stay on this one...

i felt like such a senior yesterday, and i decided that i don't think i like it. so far, i'm not really digging senior year. i feel very complacent. i don't think i dig complacent. my classes aren't doing it for me, i've cut back on activities in part just because i'm located so damn far from convenience, and i feel like the boy is always asking me if i'm okay and i don't have a good answer to offer. times like these make me wonder if i'll ever be comfortable with the idea of not being nomadic, committing, and setting up shop in one place. one thing's for sure, it's not any time soon. and after 3 years in this town, i'm certainly ready to call it a day.


como se dice "stressed out"?

first off, i can't stop listening to the new fiona apple. love her, loooove her. i also scored a random free issue of rolling stone in my mailbox which just so happens to have a story on her this month. hotttt.

so yeah, stressed a smidge. i'm craving girl time in a mad way. always with boys, alllll the gd time. plus, of course, there is much work to be done. but sweet glory be, this time next week i'll be back at home with nothing academic to do and no boy friends to make fun of my cultural discussion group or feminist group or whatever the hell it is we're poking at today.

i'm just in one of those wish-i-could-plow-through-the-wall-and-leave-behind-a-silhouette-of-me cartoon kinda moods. i'm also tired of being in my room. and i miss meg & dell. and i don't know what being home is going to be like.

boo. boooooo.

man, if only it were just hammer time already...


are you kidding me?

midterms? already?!


i'll tackle the harriet matter later, kids